Our learning proposition allows your employees to access CII and CISI exam preparation content and CPD content 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere in the world. Our proposition puts you in control with full white-labeling capability enabling your company brand and corporate image to be visible to all users.
A complete solution for your corporate learning and development needs: CII and CISI exam support, soft skills and best-in-class CPD. Attract better talent to your company, help them get qualified faster and empower them to keep developing.
In addition to our fully digital training solution benefit from a blended approach with our best-in-class training team.
Track user activity and engagement in detail. Understand individual development needs or report on company wide activities.
With the platform authoring tool, build your content or import existing company content back to your LMS.
Unrestricted real time access to 260 + learning programmes at any time, on any device and from anywhere in the world.
Highly qualified, highly experience training team bring blended learning to your team via virtual training. Need your own training academy, no problem.
With white-label capability we make your company brand visible to all users putting you in control.
Not everyone learns the same way that’s why we have wide range of learning media. Access workbooks, video, e-learning, classroom wash up videos, forums and much more.
Our regulatory programmes have been independently accredited by the CPD standard authority and as such carry accredited, structured CPD.